Telling the same tale, again…
Cinderella meets a Prince, super interested in her, affectionate and apparently not afraid to show feelings. Cinderella, fearless and self-assured, expresses herself, but remains herself and goes on with her normal life. She goes out with friends, goes out alone, does what she feels like, but respecting herself and the Prince. In less than two weeks the prince is already starting to change. He\’s not so romantic anymore, he doesn\’t even care about replying to messages anymore. Cinderella begins to wonder what would have happened for this to happen. She wonders if it was because she was too affectionate for the standards of a culture very different from hers, she wonders if it was because she was too much herself, she thinks. And she thinks too much. Until she gets tired of thinking so much, she loses what little patience she has and when she is about to tell the new Prince to take her ass, she breathes, calms down and realizes that, like other times, this guy was maybe just another nice, normal guy, but not the special person she wanted to believe him to be. That maybe she was again unconsciously taking the easy way out, looking for the one who would care and be there when she needed it.
Not that wanting someone to take care of us, want well and be a present partner is wrong. Never! We are Princesses, imperfect, but incredible women, deserving of all the affection and zeal that someone can give us. But sometimes, without realizing it, we end up looking for someone to do our job in life for us. I mean, someone who in a moment of indecision tells you to do this or that. That on a tired day he picks you up or takes you somewhere because otherwise you wouldn\’t even go. Someone who in a moment of stress hugs you and tells you that everything will be fine because you forgot your faith for a minute and think you can\’t do it alone. But it\’s pre-ci-so! Yes, because if we let someone assume important responsibilities like these in our lives, when we least realize it, we will no longer be acting for ourselves and we may be entering another relationship with a new Prince Charming that one, the perfect one, and we\’re running from that one, right!? Because with this one, we can\’t be ourselves, we also have to be perfect.
So what to do? Take your sword (yes, women can fight and have their own weapons to do so) identify the dragons around you and deal with them as best you can. Train them, scare the hell out of them, have a beer with them or just ignore them, whatever makes you feel like the choice of how to treat them was ultimately yours and that it was. the best for you, but don\’t give that power to anyone.
As for the new Prince, who you thought was special, do the same. If it suits you and you manage to separate things, keep a friendship, colorful or not, again: the choice is yours. Else, next! Life is short and our time is precious, let\’s spend it with people who value our company as much as we do theirs.
And fall into the world, Princess, it is big and full of opportunities, start by choosing how to face your dragons yourself.