The Cinderella looking for a Prince Charming is not just looking for a partner to share her life with. She\’s actually looking for someone who, with all her perfection, completes the missing part. The prince\’s charm would actually represent her ability to make us happy, giving us all the security, protection and love we need. 
In the post “Repeating the Tales” I addressed the fact that while we are looking for the Prince Charming we fail to look at ourselves, to realize that we are responsible for our happiness, to admire the richness of our imperfections and many times we lose the opportunity to take advantage of the gifts that a life without a prince or with a less than charming prince can give us.
A while ago I watched the video below and was perplexed. In the video, Youtuber Jout Jout reads a book, amazingly, for children, which deals with exactly that, the search for a missing part. I suggest you watch and reflect. Maybe before you start reading fairy tales to the future women in your life, you\’d better start with Shel Silverstein\’s \”The Missing Part.\” Maybe that way they won\’t look for a prince to complete them. Maybe that way they won\’t even look for a prince. Maybe that way they decide happily and content to live in the forest with their friends like Snow White or even rule their kingdom alone like Merida. And if the prince appears well, if they are not well too.   

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