Life Apprentice 99.9% of the time. Teacher (still) of some who think I have things to teach (innocent). Sometimes the black sheep of the family, sometimes the best daughter, sister and aunt in the world. Santa when it comes to meditating and praying, naughty when the situation calls for slackness and flexibility.
Therapist of friends as fucked up as I am. Friend (that one!) for all hours. Lover, in the hours when I\’m not sleepy or writing. Bohemia, more than I would like. Centered and disciplined when I know what I want. Lazy in my spare time (I love my spare time!) Courageous to face what makes me close my ass, but still learning to deal with the runaway emotions of big changes.
Ex-teacher, ex-wife of Prince Charming, ex-miss perfect, who decided to run away from the castle and rediscover herself, seeking the dreams of a girl and the strength of the woman inside me.
Passionate about nature and all kinds of life on the planet (I avoid killing cockroaches). Admirer of all cultures and what we can learn from them. Fascinated by the complexity of human interactions, which at this point in the championship should be simpler (I try not to judge, I keep trying). Increasingly empathetic (also trying). Born a feminist, but recently assumed and attentive to the sexist concepts acquired throughout her life. Engaged in my soul\’s evolutionary process and focused on not believing the lies my ego tells me. Owner of the most rebellious and shiny white hair in the world. Fighting for my empowerment and to free myself from the bonds created by myself and society!